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Innovation as a Purpose




Innovation offers Purpose, Reveals Meaning, Identifies Solutions!


Innovation is faith in timely discovering for-now-invisible solutions for our most intractable problems


Innovation is how we survive  and thrive individually and as a society.


Innovation is how we wash off confusion, defeat despair, nurture our spirit.


So broad, so consuming, so personal and so communal -- let's recognize it as our post-science religion; a "non-religion religion". Innovation does not declare absolutes, suffers no fanaticism. Innovation is an attitude, a drive to discover, to learn, to know, to reveal, to understand.


Innovation in its most profound level is the humility of admitting unbound ignorance. We know a lot, but we cannot bound what we know not, and we must always suspect that what we know may be distorted, even outright wrong.  Innovation has the power to unsettle our most settled conclusions, it thereby scares many who won't admit it.


Innovation -- attitude, action, results -- is the universal human currency.  BitMint digital currency is being set up to implement the notion of innovation as a transactable unit of wealth and value.


Innovation sheds light on what thousands of years of philosophy, theology and mysticism wrestled with. Innovation answers the universal question of the meaning of life. Not that we can say today that the meaning of life is so and so or such and such, but that we can say that the drive to reveal the meaning of life -- is what our life now is all about.


By looking upon innovation as a way of life, an attitude, on one end, and as a well specified to-do list on its other end, we elevate innovation to a religion, a life guide. Innovation is a basis for human cooperation, and a private gateway for our personal salvation.


My life was marked by innovation from an early age. I pioneered the new field: "Innovation Science". I am responsible for the innovation load at BitMint. I am a prolific inventor (40+ granted US Patents), I teach the art and the science of innovation, and I offer innovative solutions to social and personal enigmas.

I address the practical side of innovation through my website​


This website I dedicate to innovation as a "non-religion religion", as a means to doing what philosophies and religions are engaged in: addressing the questions of meaning, purpose, morality, spirituality, harmony and fulfillment.

Gideon Samid
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Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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